
"Everything changes, transforms and evolves".

"The life is like a way long and sometimes difficult to walk. But in the way you think obstacles that in spite of the fact that in the moment they seem to be impossible to separate they make you grow as person and as be a human being. And for every fall always there is a not material but spiritual ...remuneration, which comes from above and from in of one itself".

"I knew a man who was saying: The death us smiles at all, so return the smile".

"We are alone in the world or really we feel alone, we all need from a hand friend that us of a strong well squeeze, and that says to us your you are my independent friend of your ideas, of your race or religion of your status or profession we all are a dust and into dust we will turn this way that I say to them hello friends of the whole world".

"Love your you itself and seras capablly of loving others. If you do not want impossible be to love others".

"The mistakes of the past always learning but getting up again and look 
the view that wonderful sky that attracts us and caresses
and whispers is not already happening".

"Some friendships are like humans are born,grow and die".

"The coincidence makes us brothers, but it is the heart is what makes us friends".

"The sage does not say what he knows and the fool does not know what he says".

"A look is worth a thousand words".

"Live the day that if outside the last day of your life".

"Your freedom begins with the freedom of the other".

"If the honesty is a then sin I am a complete pecador"."We are beings living in a planet within thousands on planets that coexistin perfect harmony and synchronization. But when the planets this indiscords send to meteors an a the others, shaking to an a others. The galaxy sees them and it separates to years light as a measurement to avoid his disputes.The human begings sometimes we acted and a third person, a third country must separate orcause tragedies to us to unite to us like one single one beyond the parts that compose it".

"Many called few ones the chosen ones".

"Live the day that if outside the last day of your life".

"Your freedom begins with the freedom of the other".

The friends always are in the good ones and the bad ones. In our joys and our sadnesses".

"Everything what rises has to go down".

The hope is the last thing that gets lost

"Every day is a new dawn".

"What does not kill me strengthens me".

"After the storm comes the calmness".

"You are the eight musical note in the God's score".

"Everything has a beginning and an end".

"Nobody is a prophet in his land".

"Everything falls down for its own weight".

"Behind every big man there is a big woman and vice versa".